The Humane Society of York County is dedicated to stopping the over population of canines & felines in our community. So often people cannot afford to have this service done and HSYC is committed to helping. These Low Cost Programs are subsidized solely by the HSYC, your local no kill independent non profit.
HSYC's Low Cost Spay / Neuter Program collaborate with many organizations working together to help spay/neuter community pets. With that said, there is a NON refundable reservation fee associated to this program. Once the fee is paid, an appointment is secured. Please ensure to be on time for your scheduled surgery appointment.
Please note that our supporting veterinarians' will present other available services. These services / products are NOT included in this program. They are optional to the pet owner.
Please call us to discuss details for having your pet(s) spayed or neutered TODAY: 803-547-7297 (PAWS)
HSYC is proud to partner with the following veterinarian offices to assist the community in receiving low cost options for spay/neuter.
- Healthy Pets Spay Neuter and Wellness Clinic
- SnipWell Spay and Neuter Wellness Clinic
Spay/Neuter Clinic Options:
For your low cost feline(s) spay/neuter, TNR, and/or medical needs, call:
- SnipWell 803-228-4208
- Stand For Animals 704-970-2711
- Healthy Pets (803) 327-PETS (7387)
Why Spay or Neuter?
Every year, millions of animals are killed because there are not enough homes. Please be part of the solution. You can help reduce the number of animals killed by spaying or neutering your pet before you add to the overpopulation problem. Spaying refers to the removal of the reproductive organs of a female animal; neutering refers to removal of a male animal's reproductive organs.
By spaying or neutering your pet, you are providing her/him with a longer, healthier life. Also, you will be reducing the number of unwanted pets who are condemned from birth to starvation, death, illness, or an existence without care or love. This simple operation can prevent a lot of suffering. Every year, millions of your tax dollars are spent taking care of unwanted, lost, or abandoned pets. Millions more are spent to kill healthy animals who do not find homes.
What will the effects on my pet be?
Spaying a female pet:
- Eliminates the heat cycle. Dogs are in heat (estrus) for about 21 days. This can happen twice a year. Cats can be in heat 3-15 days, three or more times a year.
- Stops unwanted visitors. Males can be drawn from blocks around by the scent of a female animal in heat, even when she is kept indoors.
- Stops the bloody discharge that can stain your furniture and carpets.
- Reduces the urge to roam. Ends crying and the frantic efforts of the animal to get outside and mate. During this search, they can fall victim to accidental death by poisoning or traffic.
Neutering a male pet:
- Removes the mating drive. Once the reproductive organs (testicles) are removed, the animal stops producing sex hormones and after a short period of time no longer has the urge to mate.
- Stops spraying. Male cats tend to mark their territory with foul smelling urine and in most cases neutering will stop this.
- Reduces mounting. Males often exhibit embarrassing mounting of furniture, cushions, and occasionally peoples’ legs.
- Reduces the urge to roam. Unaltered pets often try to escape their houses and stray far from home in search of a female. During this search, they can fall victim to accidental death by poisoning or traffic. Many sustain major injuries from fighting with other males.
Spaying and neutering offers your pet the added benefit of improved health:
- Spaying reduces the risk of breast cancer. A larger number of un-spayed pets develop breast tumors. Animals that are spayed before their first heat cycle experience few tumors.
- Spaying eliminates uterine diseases. Removal of the uterus removes the site of many diseases such as pyometra, a serious, sometimes life threatening infection, and it eliminates uterine cancer.
- Spaying eliminates mastitis (breast inflammation), ovarian cysts, miscarriage, and delivery complications.
- Neutering reduces the risk of older animals developing enlarged prostate glands. It lowers the risk of prostate cancer and eliminates testicular cancer. Spaying and neutering will also remove your pet's discomfort, distress, and distraction caused by the strong instinct to mate.
Spayed or neutered pets will live longer, happier, healthier lives. In the case of cats, spaying/neutering can double their lifespan.